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How to Say Basic Animals Words in Japanese? Dog, Cat, Bear…

Common Animal - Translations in Different Languages

Do you want to know how to say dog, cat, bear in Japanese?
It might not be necessary to know animal names in daily life, but your life would be more enjoyable if you know them!

In fact, there are many animal charactors created in Japan.
For example, “Rirakkuma” is a popular bear charactor.
The name is combined the words “relax” and “kuma”. “kuma” means “bear” in Japanese.
In this way, you can have more fun if you know the animal names in Japanese!

Here is the list of common animal names in Japanese.

Common Animal 1:

Dog in Japanese

Common Animal - Dog Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image ukdogLingoCards play icon Download our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japanイヌ(いぬ・犬)/ inuLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 2:

Cat in Japanese

Common Animal - Cat Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image ukcatLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japanネコ(ねこ・猫)/ nekoLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 3:

Lion in Japanese

Common Lion - Dog Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image uklionLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japan ライオン / raionLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 4:

Bird in Japanese

Common Animal - Bird Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image ukbirdLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japanトリ(とり・鳥) / toriLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 5:

Rabbit in Japanese

Common Animal - Rabbit Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image ukrabbitLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japanウサギ(うさぎ)/ usagiLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 6:

Pig in Japanese

Common Animal - Pig Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image ukpigLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japanブタ(ぶた・豚)/ butaLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 7:

Cow in Japanese

Common Animal - Cow Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image ukcowLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japanウシ(うし・牛)/ ushiLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 8:

Elephant in Japanese

Common Animal - Elephant Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image ukelephantLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japanゾウ(ぞう・象)/ zōLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 9:

Horse in Japanese

Common Animal - Horse Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image ukhorseLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japanウマ(うま・馬)/ umaLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 10:

Monkey in Japanese

Common Animal - Monkey Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image ukmonkeyLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japanサル(さる・猿)/ saruLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 11:

Bear in Japanese

Common Animal - Bear Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image ukbearLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japan クマ(くま・熊) / kumaLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 12:

Giraffe in Japanese

Common Animal - Giraffe Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image ukgiraffeLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japanキリン(きりん)/ kirinLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

Common Animal 13:

Sheep in Japanese

Common Animal - Sheep Translations
LingoCards balloon flag image uksheepLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice
LingoCards balloon flag image japanヒツジ(ひつじ・羊)/ hitsujiLingoCards play iconDownload our app to listen to the human voice

If you want to learn more, download LingoCards app.
You can learn Japanese words and phrases with native voice from more than 50 languages. There are several learning modes and it would help you to learn Japanese vocabulary efficiently.

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