
Chinese Idioms Everyone Should Know

If you are learning Chinese, you should know a few 成語 (chéng yǔ) or Chinese idioms.

They are widely used in books, articles, even in everyday conversations. The good thing is, most of the Chinese idioms are four characters.

Here are five amazing Chinese idioms to get you started.

Chinese Idioms 1: 十全十美


Chinese Idioms 2: 与众不同


Chinese Idioms 3: 入乡随俗


Chinese Idioms 4: 不可思议


Chinese Idioms 5: 放在眼里


Read the story behind the idiom of 對牛彈琴!


Let’s start to learn Chinese today! Join us at LingoCards!

Vinvin Zhang

Published by
Vinvin Zhang
Tags: Idioms