
Lesson 22. Two Common Ways to Express OR in Japanese

Or in JapaneseOr in Japanese
Two Common Ways to Express OR in Japanese

As in ‘and, ‘or in Japanese’ is not a word, but more like a concept of conditionals. In this post, you will learn the two most common ways to express or in Japanese – か (ka) and それとも (soretomo).


か」– Ka

The most common way to offer choices is by using か (ka). All you need to do is add the か (ka) between nouns. Note that か (ka) is only used to connect nouns.

Structure: Noun 1 か Noun 2 (か Noun 3 )



Basu ka Densha de Kyoto ni ikimasu.

[I will] go to Kyoto by bus or train.



Shitsumon ga areba, Denwa ka Mēru de renraku shite kudasai.

If you have any questions, please contact by phone or e-mail.


In everyday conversation, you will find more questions as the following:


Ringo ka Suika, docchi ga tabetai?

An apple or a watermelon, which do you want to eat?



Ryokucha ka Ūroncha ka Kōcha, dore ga ī?

Green tea, Oolong tea or (Black) tea, which one is good for you?


Note: か is sometimes placed after the last noun, though there is no difference.


Ringo ka Suika ka, docchi ga tabetai?


Read: Expressing Existence with ‘Imasu’ and ‘Arimasu’ in Japanese.


それと Soretomo

それとも (soretomo) is another common way to express or in spoken language. それとも (soretomo) is used to connect two alternatives – not to mark two alternatives. While か (ka) is only for connecting nouns, それとも (soretomo) can be used for connecting verbs and adjectives too.

Structure: Question with Alternative, Soretomo Alternative 2.



Ano kaban wa takai desu ka, soretomo yasui desu ka.

Is that bag expensive? Or is it cheap?



Kōhī ga ī desu ka, soretomo ocha ga ii desu ka.

Would you like to have a cup of coffee? Or, to have a cup of tea?

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Vinvin Zhang

Published by
Vinvin Zhang
Tags: Conjunction