
30 Similar Words in Japanese and Korean

Have you heard that Japanese and Korean are similar languages? They are two different languages, but there are many similarities, especially in grammar and vocabulary. If you know either Japanese or Korean language, it would be much easier to learn the other one.

Here you will find 30 examples of similar sounding words.

English Japanese Korean
giraffe キリン kirin 기린 girin
insects 昆虫 konchū 곤충 gonchung
cooking 料理 ryōri 요리 yoli
grape 葡萄 budō 포도 podo
condiments 調味料 chōmiryō 조미료 jomilyo
drinks 飲料 inryō 음료 eumlyo
carbonate, soda 炭酸 tansan 탄산 tansan
bag かばん kaban 가방 gabang
shoes kutsu 구두 gudu
furniture 家具 kagu 가구 gagu
washing machine 洗濯機 sentakuki 세탁기 setaggi
air conditioner エアコン eakon 에어컨 eeokeon
baseball 野球 yakyū 야구 yagu
family 家族 kazoku 가족 gajog
singer 歌手 kashu 가수 gasu
train 汽車 kisha 기차 gicha
highway 高速道路 kōzokudōro 고속도로 gosogdolo
arrival 到着 tōchaku 도착 dochak
address 住所 jūsho 주소 juso
city 都市 toshi 도시 dosi
free 無料 muryō 무료 mulyo
toll, pay 有料 yūryō 유료 yulyo
Wednesday 水曜日 suiyōbi 수요일 suyoil
Thursday 木曜日 mokuyōbi 목요일 mogyoil
Saturday 土曜日 doyōbi 토요일 toyoil
medium, middle 中間 chūkan 중간 juggan
promise 約束 yakusoku 약속 yagsog
simple 簡単 kantan 간단 gandan
attention 注意 chūi 주의 juui
satisfaction 満足 manzoku 만족 manjog


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