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Loanwords between Cantonese and English

hongkong-street-taxiWhen you start to learn Cantonese, you will notice that there are many English loanwords like bus (巴士: baa1 si), taxi (的士: dik1 si6), cheese (芝士: ji1 si6).

Since Hong Kong was British colony for 155 years, Hong Kong Cantonese borrowed many words from English.

I would like to introduce three types of English loanwords in Cantonese.

1. Simple loanwords from English sound

English Cantonese
salad 沙律 saa1 leot6
sandwich 三文治 saam1 man4 ji6
cheese 芝士 ji1 si6
strawberry 士多啤梨 si6 do1 be1 lei4
mango 芒果 mong4 gwo2
lemon 檸檬 ling4 mung1
chocolate 朱古力 jyu1 gu2 lik6
pudding 布甸 bou3 din6
jelly 啫喱 je1 lei1
cookie 曲奇 kuk1 kei4
cutlet 吉列 gat1 lit6
omelette 奄列 am1 lit6
cream 忌廉 gei6 lim1
toast 多士 do1 si6
store 士多 si6 do1
jar zaa1
bus 巴士 baa1 si6
taxi 的士 dik1 si6
lift 𨋢 lip1
motor 摩打 mo1 da2
t-shirt T恤 T seot1
cashmere 茄士咩 ke1 si6 me1
ball bo1
sofa 梳化 so1 fa3
cushion 咕𠱸 gu1 seun2
film 菲林 fei1 lam2
card 咭 / 卡 kaat1
cartoon 卡通 kaa1 tung1
bowling 保齡 bou2 ling4
snooker 士碌架 si6 luk1 gaa2
daddy 爹地 de1 di4
mummy 媽咪 ma1 mi4
Goodbye. 拜拜 baai1 baai3
boycott 杯葛 bui1 got3
change (exchange money) cheung3
tips 貼士 tip1 si2
ounce 安士 on1 si2
mic (microphone) mai1
metre mai1


2. English +  Chinese words

For example, the word “hamburger(漢堡包)” consists of 漢堡 (hon3 bou2) from English sound + (baau1) which means bread in Chinese.

Similarly, = child, = fruit, = fish, and = alcohol drink.

English Cantonese
hamburger 漢堡包 hon3 bou2 baau1
cherry 車厘子 ce1 lei4 ji2
jam 果占 gwo2 jim3
salmon 三文魚 saam1 man4 yu4/yu2
beer 啤酒 be1 jau2


3. Casual words

Here are some loanwords used in unofficial situation.

English Cantonese
notes 碌士 luk1 si2
boss 波士 bo1 si6
chance 餐士 / 餐屎 caan1 si2
fail 肥佬 fei4 lou2


4.Cantonese Loanwords in English

There are also loanwords from Cantonese to English.

English Cantonese
ketchup 茄汁 ke4 jap1
wok wok6
dim sum 點心 dim2 sam1
wonton 饂飩 / 雲呑 wan4 tan1
kiwi 奇異果 kei4 yi6 gwo2
bok-choy 白菜 baak6 choi3
chow mein 炒麵 chaau2 min6
conpoy 乾貝 gon1 bui
kumquat / cumquat 金橘 gam1gwat
longan 龍眼 lung4 ngaan2
loquat 蘆橘 lou4 gwat1
wampee 黄皮 wong4 pei2
kung fu 功夫 gung1 fu1

Did you notice that most of words are about food?

It shows that tasty Cantonese foods and cuisine are widely recognised in the world!


Read: Different Vocabulary List of Chinese Mandarin vs Cantonese


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