
Lesson 22. Two Common Ways to Express OR in JapaneseLesson 22. Two Common Ways to Express OR in Japanese

Lesson 22. Two Common Ways to Express OR in Japanese

As in ‘and’, ‘or in Japanese’ is not a word, but more like a concept of conditionals. In this post,…

6 years ago
Lesson 16. 5 Ways to Say AND in JapaneseLesson 16. 5 Ways to Say AND in Japanese

Lesson 16. 5 Ways to Say AND in Japanese

Compare: どら焼きと大福が好きです。 Dorayaki to daifuku ga sukidesu. I like dorayaki and daifuku.   どら焼きや大福が好きです。 Dorayaki ya daifuku ga sukidesu. I…

6 years ago
Lesson 14. OR in Chinese: The Difference Between 还是 (hái shì) and 或者 (huò zhě)Lesson 14. OR in Chinese: The Difference Between 还是 (hái shì) and 或者 (huò zhě)

Lesson 14. OR in Chinese: The Difference Between 还是 (hái shì) and 或者 (huò zhě)

Both 還是 [还是] (hái shì) and 或者 (huò zhě) are translated as or in Chinese. Interestingly, the usage of each…

6 years ago
Lesson 13. Conjunction: Various Ways to Say AND in ChineseLesson 13. Conjunction: Various Ways to Say AND in Chinese

Lesson 13. Conjunction: Various Ways to Say AND in Chinese

In English, the and conjunction can be used to link parallel words, phrases, and clauses. On the other hand, there…

6 years ago