
Lesson 7. How to Express Time in Japanese

Time in Japanese, Japanese TimeTime in Japanese, Japanese Time

Learning how to express time in Japanese is essential and useful. Before we get started, I would highly recommend you to know about numbers in Japanese – at least you know how to count from one to ten, or up to 60 if you want.


Asking Time in Japanese

For the first step, let’s start with asking the question.


Nanji desu ka?

What time is it?



Ima nanji desu ka?

What time is it now?


In an informal situation, you can say:


Ima nanji?

What time is it now?


Telling the Time

For answering the questions above, the easiest answer you can give is to put the suffix -時 (-ji) behind the numbers.

Hours in Japanese

Structure: number + 時 + です。


5 時です。

Go-ji desu.

It is 5 o’clock.


7 時です。

Shichi-ji desu.

It is 7 o’clock.


Add the Minutes

For a more precise answer, you can add minutes or half (30 minutes) – 分 (fun/pun) or 半 (han).

Minutes in Japanese


number + 時 + number + 分 + です。

number + 時 + 半 + です。


3 時 15分です。

San-ji jū go-fun desu.

It is 03:15.


11 時 45分です。

Jūichi-ji yon jū go-fun desu.

It is 11:45.


9時 30分です。          

Ku-ji san jup-pun desu.

It is 09:30.



Ku-ji han desu.           

It is half past nine (09:30).


How about the Seconds?

We can express the seconds by attaching the 秒 (byō) to the numbers. The good thing is the pattern of the seconds are regular, unlike the previous 時 (ji) and 分 (fun/pun).

Seconds in Japanese

Structure: number + 秒。


Duration of Time

In order to express the duration of time, we add the 間 (kan) behind the time. Thus:


Roku-ji kan.

6 hours.



Ip-pun kan.

1 minute.



San jū byō kan.

30 seconds.


Important Time-Related Terms

Here are a few words you need to know about time.

Important Time-Related Terms in Japanese


a.m. and p.m.

If you want to add a.m. or p.m. to the time, simply add the 午前 (gozen) or 午後 (gogo) before the time (contrast with English).


a.m. → 午前 + number + 時 + number + 分。

p.m. → 午後 + number + 時 + number + 分。


午前3時10 分。

Gozen san-ji jup-pun.

It is 3:10 a.m.


午後8時40 分。

Gogo hachi-ji yon jup-pun.

It is 8:40 p.m.




Jūichi-ji go-fun goro ni.

At around 11:05.




Ichi-ji chōdo desu.

It is one o’clock sharp (exactly one o’clock).




Jū-ji go-fun mae desu.

It is five to ten (09:55).



Go-fun mae.

Five minutes before (ago).




Go-fun go.

Five minutes later.




Yaku ni jikan.

About (approximately) two hours.


Time in General

If you don’t have to answer the exact time, you can use the following:

Japanese Time in General


Congratulations! You’ve made it in the end!

Now, answer the questions below!



Ima nanji desu ka?

What time is it now?



Nanji ni okimasu ka?

What time do you get up?



Kinō nanji ni nemashita ka?

What time did you go to bed yesterday?


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Vinvin Zhang

Published by
Vinvin Zhang
Tags: Time