Sorry in different languagesSorry in different languages

You will have a lot of fun during traveling, but sometimes you need to apologize.

You may hit someone when you pass by or drop the glass to the floor and break it accidentally in the restaurant.

In these cases, it would be better to say “Sorry.” in the local language to show your sincerity.

It might not happen too often, but this phrases will be very useful when needed.

Let’s see how to say “Sorry.” in 50 different languages.

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Language Play
Afrikaans ▶️ Jammer.
Albanian ▶️ Më vjen keq.
Arabic ▶️ آسف

Arabic (Egyptian) ▶️ آسف

Armenian ▶️ Ներողություն:

Bengali ▶️ দুঃখিত।

Bosnian ▶️ Oprosti.
Cantonese ▶️ 對唔住

deoi3 m4 jyu6
Catalan ▶️ Ho sento.
Chinese ▶️ 对不起

Chinese (Taiwan) ▶️ 對不起


ㄉㄨㄟˋ ㄅㄨˋㄑㄧˇ
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Croatian ▶️ Oprosti.
Czech ▶️ Omlouvám se.
Danish ▶️ Det må du undskylde.
Dutch ▶️ Sorry.
English (American) ▶️ Sorry.
English (British) ▶️ Sorry.
Esperanto ▶️ Mi pardonpetas.
Finnish ▶️ Pahoitteluni.
French ▶️ Pardon.
German ▶️ Entschuldigung.
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Greek ▶️ Λυπάμαι.

Haitian Creole ▶️ Padon.
Hakka ▶️ pai3 se

Hindi ▶️ माफ़ कीजिये।

maaf keejiye.
Hungarian ▶️ Bocsánat.
Icelandic ▶️ Fyrirgefðu.
Indonesian ▶️ Maaf.
Italian ▶️ Scusa.
Japanese ▶️ ごめんなさい

Korean ▶️ 미안합니다!

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Latin ▶️ Paeniteo.
Latvian ▶️ Piedodiet.
Macedonian ▶️ Жалам.

Norwegian ▶️ Beklager.
Polish ▶️ Przepraszamy
Portuguese (Brazil) ▶️ Desculpe.
Portuguese (Portugal) ▶️ Desculpe.
Romanian ▶️ Scuze.
Russian ▶️ Простите

Serbian ▶️ Žao mi je.
>> Download our app and listen to the pronunciation.
Slovak ▶️ Prepáč.
Spanish (Latin America) ▶️ Lo siento.
Spanish (Spain) ▶️ Lo siento.
Swahili ▶️ Samahani.
Swedish ▶️ Förlåt.
Taiwanese (MinNan) ▶️ Sit-lé./Pháinn-sè.

Tamil ▶️ மன்னிக்கவும்.

Thai ▶️ ขอโทษ

Turkish ▶️ Üzgünüm.
Vietnamese ▶️ Xin lỗi.
Welsh ▶️ Sori.

>> Download our app and listen to the pronunciation.

If you want to learn more, check our app LingoCards!


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