Learn Chinese Basic

Lesson 22. How to Express Past Tense in Chinese

Past Tense in ChinesePast Tense in Chinese
How to Express Past Tense in Chinese

There is no verb conjugation in Chinese. The form Chinese verb is only one regardless the tense of the sentence. Let’s say, the English ‘go’ can be conjugated as ‘go-went-gone’. In Chinese, the three of ‘go-went-gone’ are all expressed in only one word, 去 (qù). Isn’t that sounds good?

So, how do we differentiate what is the time that the action has occurred? For today, let’s learn how to express past tense in Chinese!


Adverb of Time

The first and also the easiest way to talk about past events is using the adverb of time. As long as you put the time in the sentence, then it is completely clear! Below are a few commonly used past time phrases:

Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese Pin Yin English
三年前 三年前 sān nián qián three years ago
兩年前 两年前 liǎng nián qián two years ago
去年 去年 qùnián last year
三個月前 三個月前 sān gè yuè qián three months ago
兩個月前 两个月前 liǎng gè yuè qián two months ago
上個月 上个月 shàng gè yuè last month
三個星期前/三週前 三个星期前/三周前 sān gè xīngqí qián/sān zhōu qián three weeks ago / three weeks ago
兩個星期前/兩週前 两个星期前/两周前 liǎng gè xīngqí qián/liǎng zhōu qián two weeks ago / two weeks ago
上個星期/上週 上个星期/上周 shàng gè xīngqí/shàng zhōu last week/last week
三天前 三天前 sān tiān qián three days ago
兩天前 两天前 liǎng tiān qián two days ago
昨天 昨天 zuótiān yesterday
昨晚 昨晚 zuó wǎn last night
剛才/剛剛 刚才/刚刚 gāngcái/gānggāng just now
以前 以前 yǐqián before
過去 过去 guòqù in the past



Wǒmen liǎng nián qián bānguò jiā.

We moved two years ago.




Wǒ zuótiān chīle niúpái.

I ate steak yesterday.




Tā tǐzhòng jiǎnle hěnduō, bǐ yǐqián qīngle wǔ gōngjīn.

She lost a lot of weight and was five kilograms lighter than before.


Aspect Particle

We can also add the aspect particle, such as 了 (le) and 過 [过] (guò) to indicate past events.了 (le) is used to indicate the completion of an action. In a similar way, 過 [过] (guò) is used to show that something has happened before.

The above three examples in adverb of time section contained the aspect particles in the sentence. In fact, the aspect articles can be also used with/without the adverb of time. For the usage without the adverb of time, please see the followings:



Tā qùle luómǎníyǎ.

He went to Romania.




Wǒ hēle sān bēi guǒzhī.

I drank three glasses of juice.




Tāmen yīqǐ zuòguò shēngyì.

They had done business together.




Tā kànguò nǐ de zhàopiàn.

She had seen your photo.


In addition, they 了 (le) and 過 [过] (guò) can also appear together in one sentence. Example:



Wǒ chīguò zǎocānle.

I had a breakfast.




Tāmen yǐjīng jiànguò miànle.

They had already met.


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Vinvin Zhang

Published by
Vinvin Zhang
Tags: Tenses