How to Say Common Fruits in Japanese? Apple, Orange, Banana…
Common Fruit - Watermelon Translations in Different Languages
When you start learning a language, it’s good to learn name of fruits in the quite beginning.
Do you know why?
First, it’s easy to associate the object with vocabulary. When you can imagine the object easily, it helps to memorise. Also, the name of fruits are not that long in general. We can imagine the color and shape of many fruits easily, and the vocabulary is short. That’s why children can learn the name of fruits quite early when they started to learn vocabulary in their mother tongue.
Another reason is learning name of fruits is very practical when you just arrive in that country. Imagine, you travel to new country and what you should do first? Eat and Drink! You will go to restaurant, supermarket or market to get food. You may want to order fruits juice in the cafe, but there might not be English in the menu. Or want to ask where are the grapes in the supermarket. If you know the vocabulary in that language even if you don’t know the grammar, it will help immediately during traveling.
Last reason is fruits in Japan are delicious! Fruits in Japan tend to be more expensive than other country, but the quality is not comparable. Japanese farmers put lots of effort to make fruits sweet, looks nice with so much care. So it costs a bit more, but the looking like jewellery, tasty and juicy. You MUST try fruits in Japan!
So let’s learn common fruits words in Japanese here!
Common Fruit 1:
Apple in Japanese
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りんご(リンゴ・林檎)/ ringo
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Common Fruit 2:
Orange in Japanese
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オレンジ / orenji
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Common Fruit 3:
Strawberry in Japanese
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いちご(イチゴ・苺)/ ichigo
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Common Fruit 4:
Banana in Japanese
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バナナ / banana
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Common Fruit 5:
Grape in Japanese
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ぶどう(ブドウ・葡萄)/ budō
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Common Fruit 6:
Peach in Japanese
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もも(モモ・桃)/ momo
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Common Fruit 7:
Cherry in Japanese
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さくらんぼ(サクランボ)/ sakuranbo
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Common Fruit 8:
Melon in Japanese
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メロン/ meron
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Common Fruit 9:
Watermelon in Japanese
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すいか(スイカ・西瓜)/ suika
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Common Fruit 10:
Pear in Japanese
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なし(ナシ・梨)/ nashi
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Common Fruit 11:
Pineapple in Japanese
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パイナップル / painappuru
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Common Fruit 12:
Mango in Japanese
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マンゴー / mango
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Common Fruit 13:
Mandarin in Japanese
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みかん(ミカン・蜜柑)/ mikan
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Common Fruit 14:
Kiwi in Japanese
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キウイフルーツ / kiui furūtsu
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Common Fruit 15:
Lemon in Japanese
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レモン / remon
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Common Fruit 16:
Avocado in Japanese
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アボカド / abokado
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If you want to learn more, download LingoCards app. You can learn Japanese words and phrases with native voice from more than 50 languages. There are several learning modes and it would help you to learn Japanese vocabulary efficiently.