
Same Words in Spanish and Italian

spain-streetspain-streetProbably you have heard that Spanish and Italian are quite similar languages.

It’s true that they are both Romance languages, which means they are derived from Latin.

There are tons of similar vocabulary between two languages.


Now, do you know there are also many vocabulary which are exactly same spelling in Spanish and Italian?

Here you will find more than 45 examples of same words.

English Spanish Italian
Yes. Sí. Sì.
No. No. No.
moon luna luna
sky cielo cielo
lake lago lago
cool fresco fresco
shy tímido timido
serious serio serio
selfish egoísta egoista
sad triste triste
elephant elefante elefante
spring primavera primavera
March Marzo marzo
August Agosto agosto
one uno uno
house casa casa
book libro libro
telephone teléfono telefono
Post-it note Post-it Post-it
wine vino vino
ketchup ketchup ketchup
vegetarian vegetariano vegetariano
hotel hotel hotel
photographer fotógrafo fotografo
singer cantante cantante
high alto alto
slow lento lento
hard duro duro
xylophone xilófono xilofono
harmonica armónica armonica
puzzle puzzle puzzle
recipient destinatario destinatario
trouble problema problema
France Francia Francia
Italy Italia Italia
Korea Corea Corea
India India India
Canada Canadá Canada
Italian italiano italiano
Korean coreano coreano
Turkish turco turco
continent continente continente
Europe Europa Europa
Asia Asia Asia
Africa África Africa
Oceania Oceanía Oceania

*Accents can be different.


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