Portuguese is spoken in Portugal, Brazil and several countries around the world. Portuguese in Portugal and Brazil are not as similar to each other as British and American English. Written Portuguese is not that difficult, but spoken Portuguese can be quite hard to understand each other. Some words are completely different in two Portuguese languages.
Here you will find 50 examples of differences in vocabulary and spelling.
English | Portugal | Brazil |
food | comida | alimento |
noodle | noodle | sopa de macarrão |
ham | fiambre | presunto |
beef | carne vermelha | carne de boi |
aubergine | beringela | berinjela |
green pepper | pimento verde | pimentão verde |
beans | feijões | feijão |
cabbage | couve | repolho |
broccoli | brócolos | brócolis |
strawberry | morangos | morango |
pineapple | ananás | abacaxi |
mandarin | tangerina | nectarina |
oil | óleo | azeite |
jam | compota | geleia |
juice | sumo | suco |
sour | acre | azedo |
chopsticks | pauzinhos | palitos |
cup | chávena | xícara |
tissue paper | guardanapo de papel | lenço de papel |
bus | autocarro | ônibus |
train | comboio | trem |
subway | metro | metrô |
tram | elétrico | bonde |
purple | violeta | roxo |
brown | castanho | marrom |
long | comprido | longo |
rain | chuva | chuvoso |
dog | cão | cachorro |
jellyfish | alforreca | água viva |
dragonfly | libelinha | libébula |
beetle | escaravelho | besouro |
owl | mocho | coruja |
sports | desporto | esportes |
baseball | basebol | beisebol |
tennis | ténis | tênis |
t-shirt | t-shirt | camiseta |
jacket | casaco | jaqueta |
scarf | lenço | cachecol |
blacelet | pulseira | bracelete |
bus stop | paragem de autocarro | ponto de ônibus |
gas station | posto de combustível | posto de gasolina |
post office | estação de correios | correios |
police station | esquadra de polícia | delegacia de polícia |
bag | carteira | mala |
guide book | livro-guia | guia turístico |
battery | pilhas | bateria |
wifi password | password de wifi | senha de wifi |
medicine | medicina | remédio |
runny nose | corrimento nasal | coriza |
pain | dores | dor |
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