The articles ‘a’, ‘an’, and ‘the’, are important words that we use in almost every sentence in English. Articles are words that modify a noun. There are two kinds of articles: definite and indefinite.
The Definite Article
Among ‘a’, ‘an’, and ‘the’, the one which belongs to definite articles is ‘the’. It refers directly to a specific object. ‘The’ can be followed by singular, plural, and uncountable nouns.
When to Use the Definite Article?
1. When there is the only one.
The sun is a star.
[There is only one sun in this world].
This is the reason why we use ‘the’ before superlative adjectives.
She is the prettiest girl in the town.
[There is only one person that has the particular pretty than any other girls in the town].
2. When we talk about something certain or specific.
Did you see the umbrella in my bag?
[It is clear that the speaker refers to the specific umbrella that was in her bag before].
3. When we have mentioned the object before.
I bought a book yesterday. The book is entitled “The Secrets to be Happy”.
[It is clear that the book entitled “The Secrets to be Happy” is the book that I bought yesterday].
4. When we are going to state an ordinal number.
This is the first time I have been here.
5. When you are indicating a time period.
Super Mario was one of the most popular video games in the 1990s.
6. When you refer to the member of a group of people.
The Robinsons are on a vacation.
[The whole family member of Robinsons is on a vacation].
The Quick Rule: If you think the audience knows the specific object you are referring to, use ‘the’.
The Indefinite Article
‘A’ and ‘an’ belong to the indefinite article. They indicate a general idea rather than a specific object. If the word begins with a consonant, use ‘a’. On the other hand, if it begins with a vowel, use ‘an’. The indefinite article is limited to singular nouns or a group of noun.
When to Use the Definite Article?
1. When we say a job.
Mary is a stewardess.
2. When we express unspecified singular nouns.
She invites a man to the party.
[Both of the speaker and listener do not know what kind of man he is].
3. When we use collective nouns.
I buy a bunch of bananas.
4. When we want to say quantity.
My grandmother gives me a dozen eggs.
5. When we mentioned an object for the first time.
I bought a book yesterday. The book is entitled “The Secrets to be Happy”.
[Yes, we use the same example as above to be clear. Note that ‘a’ is used to refer an object when it is mentioned for the first time].
6. When you mean ‘one’.
He sang a song last night.
[He sang one song last night].
The Quick Rule: If you think the audience does not know the specific object you are referring to, use indefinite articles.
Read: Understanding the Difference Between Which and That
In several cases, the word that started with unpronounced consonant (h) use ‘an’ instead of ‘a’. Examples:
an heir
an honest
an honor
an hour
In the same way, when the word is a vowel but pronounced as a consonant sound, use ‘a’. Although those words begin with vowels, they are pronounced as they begin with the letter ‘y’. Examples:
a unique
a useful
a university
a European
Zero Articles (Ø)
We do not use articles when we talk about things in general.
Dogs are mammals.
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